Thursday, May 22, 2008


Now, I have seen this term coined elsewhere and virtually passed out from laughing so hard because its true. I find it highly amusing that people gain an immense amount of courage online not knowing you, only to find out that they are complete pussies face to face. eBalls. Let's discuss this further...


A tendency to be bold and brash via internet correspondence, while being rather meek in a face-to-face setting.
John could only ask Kate out through hotmail when he had his e-balls.

So, I was at work yesterday and got an email about some booze bus fuckery, when I realized that it had no description of just where the hell it was going. I responded,

"Where is said keg bus travelling to? ;-)"

The author of the post responded, then some complete douchebag submits the following:

"Good grief - does everyone have to reply to all? "

Ok. Here's the thing that gets under my skin. IT'S ALL ABOUT HOW YOU ASK SHIT. If you are on an email list for a specific reason, then expect to get mail mofo. That's how it works. Further, if you don't want to read something, there is this little button imprinted with the word DELETE on it that makes all the shit go away. But, I digress...

So, my inner bitch/sarcasm kicks into FULL FORCE. I submit:

"Oops" and hit REPLY ALL. This is where said eBALLS fuckery ensues...

"Kiss my ass oops .....and Kristy - can you remove from the list again"

I just started laughing. Is this cat serious? Does he not know me? Has he not been 'schooled' of the fierce bitch that is Token Black Chick? eBALLS; this mofo grew a golden pair...

I REPLY ALL, just because it's ok to be an ass occasionally, (if not all the damn time):

"No thanks. You might need some considering how salty you are..."

to which he responded:

"I really don't need to keep getting e-mails. Are we done? Thanks"

What a douchetard. Can someone get him a hooker? This dude is obviously not gettin' any and needs some charity ass...

eBALLS is a very real thing. Wait till I see this mofo in public. I will have to emasculate him. Trust. This WILL happen.

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