Friday, May 9, 2008

Through the gumdrop forest of smiles

Tidley-winks and Colonel Angus celebrated Warcraft Wednesday by hosting a star wars themed tea party. If you are not familiar with Colonel Angus you wouldn't realize that he is best known for his elite "invitation only" tea parties. Melody Muffin was the first guest to arrive. Tidley-winks gasped in astonishment as she rolled herself through the door when he realized she had forgotten to take her shoes off. With great anger Colonel Angus struck Melody Muffin with a lead pipe in the study and repeatedly raped her with a hot and fresh fried turkey. There was turkey everywhere. Melody Muffin was then beaten into a relaxing coma and drowned in the nearby baby pool. Shortly after everyone died of AIDS. Let this be a lesson to all the children who frolic in the gumdrop forest, beware of star wars tea might get relentlessly and violently raped with a fresh, fried turkey.

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